Dear Friends
I am delighted to announce that the
Institute for European Tort Law is
hosting a major international conference,
Medical Malpractice and Compensation in Global Perspective, on 3-4 December this
year. Jointly organised by the Institute and the Chicago-Kent Law Review (USA),
and coordinated by myself and fellow list
member Richard Wright (Chicago-Kent College of Law), the conference will feature
presentations from 14 different national and regional perspectives covering six
continents. Booking is now open: you can find out
more and download a registration form here:
As with previous Institute events, I hope
to welcome a good number of ODG members to Vienna this December - and maybe
enjoy a glühwein or punsch together
at one of the city's famous Christmas markets!
Best wishes
for European Tort Law
Reichsratsstrasse 17/2,
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. (+43-1) 4277-29
662, Fax (+43-1) 4277-29 670